For the past two years I have been thinking of getting a scar. I know, it sounds absurd as if I would hurt myself on purpose to damage my skin to get a scar. But that is exactly what I am talking about. When I was little, I fell and got hurt to barbwire. Ever since I loved the scar I had from this accident and regretted when it healed after a couple of years. It took six to eight years before the skin was healed completely and by that time I was so used to my scar that I started to miss it when it ' faded' away. I am still indecisive on to get a new scar and more precisely what kind of scar, where to put it and which tattoo artist could help me out?
I found this picture on Core77. Related link: sundancetattoo on myspace
I found this picture on Core77. Related link: sundancetattoo on myspace
I've wanted one too. I've been trying to find a place that can do it. i want a scar of the Jesus Fish on the side of my rib cage. Do you know what it's called or of anywhere that can do it?
You can check the following link: www.bmezine.com/scar/bme-scar-exp-stud-001.html
You can always bring in your own design. I hope you will find a good studio nearby. All the best.
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