Did you like the video with Cyril Raffaelli? Want to know whether you are ready to join the Yamakasi team? Watch this video and find out!
Test - Parkour And Acrobatic - Click here for more home videos
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Video - Star Wars Bagpipes
I knew I should have kept up my bagpipes lessons....
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Video - Cyril Raffaelli
Metacafe.com - The best bloopers are here
Yes, this is the stunt guy from 'Kiss of the Dragon', 'Ronin', 'Banlieue 13'. On the set of the last movie he met David Belle, the founder of Le Parkour. Ever since they are close friends.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Video Week - Where The Hell is Matt?
It's like the title says. This week is Video Week. Every day I will post a video which I find the most stupid, funniest, geekest, endearing, irritating or simply interesting video I stumbled upon on the Internet that day. A video that I absolutely want to share with you. Happy Video Clips Week! I hope you will enjoy today's video!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Summertime and the livin' is easy

Listening to 'Summertime' from George Gershwin, it's not hard to imagine that everything could go easier as from today when summertime starts in Europe. Clock changes took place last night and were advanced one hour. Today you can still be late for work and use the summertime change as a good excuse. Tomorrow all will be normal again.
But today we still have 'Summertime'. The tune puts you in a good mood and you can imagine yourself being out on the porch, feeling the sun rays on your skin while zipping from your lemon ice tea.
I for one need this summertime so bad and believe that better times are round the corner. I guess, I just need to sync my watch and in a matter of time my knees will follow ...
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Shutdown Day

WRONG! You should not be seeing this (and I should not be writing this ...). Today is International Shutdown Day. The idea is not to use your computer for just one day. Instead of checking your emails or just surfing the web you could check out the new PS3 which was just launched, play dodge ball, go hiking, just don't use your computer! If there is an error in your bank statement, don't be mad if the bank clerk cannot help you as it is today Shutdown Day. So turn off your PC, step outside and smell the flowers. Don't forget next week meatloaf-free-Wednesday! OK, it's time to shut down. C y'all tomorrow.
Sekemanuela Aku Rindumu

Shout-out to Sekemanuela clan! A new song has been composed especially for today's festivities. It is written in Moluccan Malay the native language of the Sekemanuela clan. The song is a tribute to the ancestors and the village of Oma at Haruku island in the Banda Sea.

De Sekemanuela's komen vandaag bij elkaar. Er is zelfs een nieuw lied gecomponeerd voor deze feestelijke gebeurtenis. Het lied is een eerbetoon aan de voorvaderen en aan de negorij Oma.
Nama asalku
Nama jang terkasi
Dari bapakku
Nama asalku
Aku rindumu
Satu gandong
Satu darah
Adik kaka
Mari bersama
Satu gandong
Satu hati
Mari bersama
Berdjabat tangan
Huku jama loming
Tempat asalku
Turun dari sana
Masuk negeriku
Oma jang tertjinta
Aku rindumu
Ta'kan aku lupa
S’lama hidupku
Friday, March 23, 2007
IDFA Update - Dreaming by Numbers

The IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) announced that three documentaries will be released on DVD this year. Lucky for me, the first documentary to be released is the one that impressed me most and that I liked very much.
The documentary 'Dreaming by Numbers' is shot in black and white and gives you a feeling of nostalgia. It shows how gamblers in a run-down neighbourhood in Naples are guided by numbers. Some gamblers see numbers in their dreams, others take their numbers from the news paper or derive it from an accident or tragedy. What is important is that these numbers are 'holy' to them and that they will find no peace until they have bought a lottery ticket with these numbers. The documentary shows how much faith these people have in the lottery and in their numbers even though they did not win this time, again. There is faith that if you recognize the significance, the meaningful coincidence, of a number that you take from a poster or a license plate of a car (even if this car almost hit you), you can change your fate. In fact faith is the only thing they have, as without faith there is no hope and their life has no meaning and certainly no future.
Director: Anna Buchetti.
Nominated in the category 'Best Documentary': European Film Awards 2006 and Golden Calf 2006
The documentary 'Dreaming by Numbers' is shot in black and white and gives you a feeling of nostalgia. It shows how gamblers in a run-down neighbourhood in Naples are guided by numbers. Some gamblers see numbers in their dreams, others take their numbers from the news paper or derive it from an accident or tragedy. What is important is that these numbers are 'holy' to them and that they will find no peace until they have bought a lottery ticket with these numbers. The documentary shows how much faith these people have in the lottery and in their numbers even though they did not win this time, again. There is faith that if you recognize the significance, the meaningful coincidence, of a number that you take from a poster or a license plate of a car (even if this car almost hit you), you can change your fate. In fact faith is the only thing they have, as without faith there is no hope and their life has no meaning and certainly no future.
Director: Anna Buchetti.
Nominated in the category 'Best Documentary': European Film Awards 2006 and Golden Calf 2006
De IDFA (Internationaal Documentaire Film Festival Amsterdam) gaat drie docu-klassiekers op DVD uitbrengen dit jaar. Een van de documentaires is 'Dreaming by Numbers' waar ik zeer van onder de indruk was. De docu is in zwart/wit opgenomen en gaf mij een nostalgisch gevoel, wat alleen maar meer sympathie bij mij opwekte (heel slim dus van de makers..).
De documentaire-makers bezoeken een lotto-kantoor in een achterstandswijk in Napels waar dagelijks vele gokkers inzetten op voor hen belangrijke getallen. Deze getallen zien zij in dromen, op een willekeurige poster of herleiden het zelfs van een gebeurtenis of een ongeluk. Voor de interpretatie van de nummers wordt het getallenboek 'De Grimas' gebruikt. De obsessie voor cijfers kan heel komisch zijn; zo vraagt een gokker zich af welke getallen een droom over een manke kakkerlak oplevert. Ook worden de dromen van de afgelopen nacht gedeeld met de werknemers van het lotto-kantoor die de droom in getallen proberen te interpreteren. Zelfs de cijfers van een kentekenplaat van de auto die een gokker bijna overreed worden serieus genomen en voor het gokken gebruikt. Maar achter deze verhalen gaan ook tragedies schuil en zien we hoe een oude vrouw die moet rondkomen van een karige uitkering toch gaat gokken. Immers, hoop doet leven?
Regisseur: Anna Buchetti. Nominaties in de categorie 'Beste Documentaire': European Film Awards 2006 en Gouden Kalf 2006
Regisseur: Anna Buchetti. Nominaties in de categorie 'Beste Documentaire': European Film Awards 2006 en Gouden Kalf 2006
Thursday, March 22, 2007
La Mala and Antonio Carmona
More about Maria 'La Mala' Rodriguez. While recording her new album she also had a side project and worked with Antonio Carmona (former lead singer of the Spanish band Ketama) on his debut solo album 'Vengo Venenoso'. They worked together on the song 'Ay de Ti' on which Carmona's voice and La Mala's rap blend perfectly.
Check out a small bit of La Mala's rap in 'Ay de Ti' which I find so beautiful. To me it's pure poetry and so puro gitano (gypsy).
"I’m walking down the street with my back full of stab wounds and he who doesn’t love suffers more, that’s clear to me, I laid down the foundation, I’m the first lady, besides I also made up the bed".
"Freedom, look at me while you still can and decide what you want, the good nor the bad does not matter to you, I'm like water, drink me from the fountain, honey, love me uninhibited, till it's over".
Note: I am not a Spanish native speaker, the translation of the last sentence may not be accurate
Check out a small bit of La Mala's rap in 'Ay de Ti' which I find so beautiful. To me it's pure poetry and so puro gitano (gypsy).
mala_ay de ti.mp3 |
"I’m walking down the street with my back full of stab wounds and he who doesn’t love suffers more, that’s clear to me, I laid down the foundation, I’m the first lady, besides I also made up the bed".
"Freedom, look at me while you still can and decide what you want, the good nor the bad does not matter to you, I'm like water, drink me from the fountain, honey, love me uninhibited, till it's over".
Note: I am not a Spanish native speaker, the translation of the last sentence may not be accurate
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
La Mala Maria
Walking down memory lane today. I hope you enjoy this video from Maria 'La Mala' Rodriguez, my favourite female hip hop artist. The name of the song is 'La Nina' from the album 'Alevosia' which was released in 2003.
Her new album 'Malamarismo' is expected to be released sometime this year. In the meantime we can kill some time watching this video.
Her new album 'Malamarismo' is expected to be released sometime this year. In the meantime we can kill some time watching this video.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Heroes to return on 23 April

Aaaaaaaaaargh! How could they! I have to wait a whole month before I can see my favourite show again. I cannot wait for a month to know if Mohinder is going to survive and how about this bonding thing between Sylar and Peter? What about the cheerleader? And Hiro? And Nicky? The Haitan? And .. and.. It's time to save the world and I mean NOW, not in a month! I was in shock when I found about it and I am still lost for words. I had to check NBC's web site twice to make sure it was real. I know, me rambling does not make it any better. So better read Yakira's blog to know what this is all about. I just do not know what to say ... at least not in a coherent way ...
Being one with nature
I love Japanese gadgets, but I think they just went over the top with this one. Nowadays if we feel stressed, we have many ways to relax and unwind. Some people do it by working out at the gym, others just read a book or go to a spa.
Now we can add the Digital Feeling Sound system to the options for some R&R. Basically, it is a stick that plays 3D sound and makes you feel as being one with nature. If you are working on your laptop, just put the stick in front of you and the 3D sound will ease your mindset as hearing wind chimes and the chirping of birds will put you in a forest. Ta-da! Burning the midnight oil and working on that paper which is due tomorrow morning at 8 am will go smoothly!
Still I am not convinced. Just hearing some birds chirping doesn't always work for me to release the stress and the design of the stick is very basic as it's supposed to look like ... well a wooden stick. So, I will pass this time. I think I will just put some forest and other nature sounds on my MP3 player for a similar effect.
Still curious? People, it really looks just like a wooden stick! Oh well, check out the product page after the jump
via CNet Asia Reviews
Now we can add the Digital Feeling Sound system to the options for some R&R. Basically, it is a stick that plays 3D sound and makes you feel as being one with nature. If you are working on your laptop, just put the stick in front of you and the 3D sound will ease your mindset as hearing wind chimes and the chirping of birds will put you in a forest. Ta-da! Burning the midnight oil and working on that paper which is due tomorrow morning at 8 am will go smoothly!
Still I am not convinced. Just hearing some birds chirping doesn't always work for me to release the stress and the design of the stick is very basic as it's supposed to look like ... well a wooden stick. So, I will pass this time. I think I will just put some forest and other nature sounds on my MP3 player for a similar effect.
Still curious? People, it really looks just like a wooden stick! Oh well, check out the product page after the jump
via CNet Asia Reviews
Monday, March 19, 2007
Attracted to a geek? Randi and Jen will show you how to seduce geeky lovers.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Clémence hits 50k!
It's amazing!!! Just a few minutes ago Clémence hit 50k. She is the second artist from my list on Sellaband to hit 50k and she did it only one week after Second Person, another band on my list, raised 50k!
This shows that artists and fans together have a lot of power and they can make a difference in the music industry. This proves that the concept of Sellaband works.
Clémence entered Sellaband in December 2006 and within 4 months she reached the goal many artists aspire, to record a CD. C'EST MAGNIFIQUE!!!! ENCROIABLE!!! I don't know if this is proper French, but hey I'm a happy gal who is celebrating that another artist in which she believes is going to the studio to record a CD, so never mind my poor knowledge of French.
It took me a while to join her circle of believers, but I admire the quality of her production and above all, she has an amazing voice and she reminds me a lot of Celine Dion so eventually I gave in and became a believer. Now I am happy to be part of her team; her talent deserves recognition.
Another Sellaband artist raised 50k, with my help. I am such a good person (LOL) with such a good eye for talent (LOL). Mmmm, maybe I should consider switching careers and become a talent scout at EMI. Naah, I'll just stay where I am.
I am sooo happy for Clémence. Felicitations a toi!
Check out her video 'Ou est-tu' after the JUMP
This shows that artists and fans together have a lot of power and they can make a difference in the music industry. This proves that the concept of Sellaband works.
Clémence entered Sellaband in December 2006 and within 4 months she reached the goal many artists aspire, to record a CD. C'EST MAGNIFIQUE!!!! ENCROIABLE!!! I don't know if this is proper French, but hey I'm a happy gal who is celebrating that another artist in which she believes is going to the studio to record a CD, so never mind my poor knowledge of French.
It took me a while to join her circle of believers, but I admire the quality of her production and above all, she has an amazing voice and she reminds me a lot of Celine Dion so eventually I gave in and became a believer. Now I am happy to be part of her team; her talent deserves recognition.
Another Sellaband artist raised 50k, with my help. I am such a good person (LOL) with such a good eye for talent (LOL). Mmmm, maybe I should consider switching careers and become a talent scout at EMI. Naah, I'll just stay where I am.
I am sooo happy for Clémence. Felicitations a toi!
Check out her video 'Ou est-tu' after the JUMP
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Loesje van de straat! Loesje to retire?

Loesje (pronounced as in to loose + uh) is a Dutch writers collective very much social and political engaged who use posters to express their opinion. As they say themselves "they want to try to conquer the world with creativity and posters". Loesje of Dutch origin went international in 2004. As the following article is about the upcoming 'retirement' of the Amsterdam department in The Netherlands, I will post it in Dutch. At the end you will find a few examples of their international poster series.
Gelezen in het Parool: de Amsterdamse afdeling van Loesje houdt er mee op!
Gelijk kwamen er allerlei herinneringen naar boven. Een van mijn favoriete Loesje-uitspraken is "Liefde en de laatste trein gaan niet samen". Ik beeld me dan altijd gelijk in, dat er ouders zijn die weer zuchten als het vriendje van hun tienerdochter maar weer moet blijven overnachten, omdat hij de laatste trein heeft gemist...
En nu houdt Loesje het dus voor gezien in Amsterdam. Volgens een van de oprichters begonnen de meeste leden van de afdeling toen ze nog student waren, maar ze zijn nu in de dertig, hebben een goede baan en kinderen. En tja, als je een goede baan hebt met een gezinnetje, dan schrijf je niet meer over kamernood en terreur in Nederland. Daarom is er collectief besloten om er mee op te houden.
Toch is er nog hoop, want Loesje gaat niet helemaal met plak- en schrijfpensioen en zoekt opvolgers. Gelukkig maar, want stel je eens voor dat we het voortaan zouden moeten doen zonder de ontroerende, grappige, maar ook scherpe uitspraken zoals deze over Oudkerk "Porno, dat is toch research". Gelukkig kon Loesje ook lief en hartverwarmend zijn zoals in "Wanneer ik 's avonds naar de sterren kijk, knipoogt er altijd eentje terug". Loesje, ik zal je missen. Ik hoop dat je gauw terug komt.
Gelezen in het Parool: de Amsterdamse afdeling van Loesje houdt er mee op!
Gelijk kwamen er allerlei herinneringen naar boven. Een van mijn favoriete Loesje-uitspraken is "Liefde en de laatste trein gaan niet samen". Ik beeld me dan altijd gelijk in, dat er ouders zijn die weer zuchten als het vriendje van hun tienerdochter maar weer moet blijven overnachten, omdat hij de laatste trein heeft gemist...
En nu houdt Loesje het dus voor gezien in Amsterdam. Volgens een van de oprichters begonnen de meeste leden van de afdeling toen ze nog student waren, maar ze zijn nu in de dertig, hebben een goede baan en kinderen. En tja, als je een goede baan hebt met een gezinnetje, dan schrijf je niet meer over kamernood en terreur in Nederland. Daarom is er collectief besloten om er mee op te houden.
Toch is er nog hoop, want Loesje gaat niet helemaal met plak- en schrijfpensioen en zoekt opvolgers. Gelukkig maar, want stel je eens voor dat we het voortaan zouden moeten doen zonder de ontroerende, grappige, maar ook scherpe uitspraken zoals deze over Oudkerk "Porno, dat is toch research". Gelukkig kon Loesje ook lief en hartverwarmend zijn zoals in "Wanneer ik 's avonds naar de sterren kijk, knipoogt er altijd eentje terug". Loesje, ik zal je missen. Ik hoop dat je gauw terug komt.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
How to rip videos from YouTube
Hurrah! I don't have to install all these unnecessary apps anymore! Now I can watch YouTube videos all the time without surfing to their site.
Thanks to the VIXY Project and Kiss YouTube it is now so easy to download videos from YouTube or Google Video. On the website of VIXY all you have to do is to enter the URL* of the YouTube video you want to download and choose the video format like AVI (DivX) or MP4 (iPod, PSP) or 3GP (mobile phones). So copy and paste the URL*, it will download and convert to the video format. Then you can download the converted file. Easy!
Also easy to use is KissYouTube, the whole thing is also web based and all you have to do is just enter the word "kiss" before any video hosted on YouTube to download it.
For example, to download the video of one my favourite Sellaband artists Kane Sole, simply go to YouTube, find the page with your, oops my favourite video and enter "kiss" before the words "YouTube" as in (http://www.kissyoutube.com/watch?v=A-EyFPsa860). It will lead you then to the website of KissYouTube where you can download the file. That's it.
The only downside of KissYouTube is that it does not convert the FLV file to other video formats, so you will need an application like VLC that can play any video format to watch the YouTube video. Daimn, I still have to install another media player... Still, KissYouTube is sweeeeeeeet!
Shiny Shiny via Red Ferret
* for you know who you are: URL is the address bar at the top of your browser
Thanks to the VIXY Project and Kiss YouTube it is now so easy to download videos from YouTube or Google Video. On the website of VIXY all you have to do is to enter the URL* of the YouTube video you want to download and choose the video format like AVI (DivX) or MP4 (iPod, PSP) or 3GP (mobile phones). So copy and paste the URL*, it will download and convert to the video format. Then you can download the converted file. Easy!
Also easy to use is KissYouTube, the whole thing is also web based and all you have to do is just enter the word "kiss" before any video hosted on YouTube to download it.
For example, to download the video of one my favourite Sellaband artists Kane Sole, simply go to YouTube, find the page with your, oops my favourite video and enter "kiss" before the words "YouTube" as in (http://www.kissyoutube.com/watch?v=A-EyFPsa860). It will lead you then to the website of KissYouTube where you can download the file. That's it.
The only downside of KissYouTube is that it does not convert the FLV file to other video formats, so you will need an application like VLC that can play any video format to watch the YouTube video. Daimn, I still have to install another media player... Still, KissYouTube is sweeeeeeeet!
Shiny Shiny via Red Ferret
* for you know who you are: URL is the address bar at the top of your browser
Who wants to morph?
Always wondered who is behind those commercials with cars morphing into robots or the Ad for Spanish TV company Telecinco? In this commercial the anchorman's face opens up to show nothing but wires, chips and tech stuff that we girls (pretend) don't know anything about (well at least this girl is in the dark). I happen to know one of these guys who works on those commercials. Check out Jordi Legarre's website, a Spanish animator based in Madrid whose mission is to make life wonderful by his art work. Well, this mission is about his professional career, his other mission is to make his longtime girlfriend Rosario muy feliz by morphing into Mr and Mrs Legarre on March 24. Felicidades to the new couple!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
"The music industry is all about fences. Those who are on the inside, and those who are on the outside. SellaBand wants to break down all the fences. Everybody with a passion for music can be on the inside. It's your music. It's your choice."
This is in the mission statement of Sellaband a concept that provides a platform for bands. These bands have to find 5000 people to believe in them. Fans (or Believers in Sellaband terms) can buy parts to help their favourite artist getting closer to their ultimate goal, to raise USD 50k so the artist can record a CD. Sellaband started out in August 2006 and already 3 bands have hit 50k and are in the studio recording their CD (Note: On March 18 the total number of artists on Sellaband who has raised 50k is four).
Instead of major record companies telling us what is out there, Sellaband shows us that the other way round is also possible. Bands and their believers are providing the market of what is hot. Who better than the fans can decide what is hot or not?
I believe in (in alphabetical order):
Black Jack
Clemence (raised 50k on March 18, 2007)
Daniel Ward Murphy
Kane Sole
Second Person (just hit 50k on March 12, 2007)
This is in the mission statement of Sellaband a concept that provides a platform for bands. These bands have to find 5000 people to believe in them. Fans (or Believers in Sellaband terms) can buy parts to help their favourite artist getting closer to their ultimate goal, to raise USD 50k so the artist can record a CD. Sellaband started out in August 2006 and already 3 bands have hit 50k and are in the studio recording their CD (Note: On March 18 the total number of artists on Sellaband who has raised 50k is four).
Instead of major record companies telling us what is out there, Sellaband shows us that the other way round is also possible. Bands and their believers are providing the market of what is hot. Who better than the fans can decide what is hot or not?
I believe in (in alphabetical order):
Black Jack
Clemence (raised 50k on March 18, 2007)
Daniel Ward Murphy
Kane Sole
Second Person (just hit 50k on March 12, 2007)
OK, life may not be a movie, but what is wrong with thinking it is?
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